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Support ticket system in Go

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Command-line Tool (mailing service) #

The command-line tool can be used to interact with the server’s E-Mail Recipience and Dispatch APIs. A user can create an e-mail which is sent to the server and has to supply a valid e-mail address, a subject and the message. The created mail is then delivered to the E-Mail-Receive API of the server where a new ticket will be created out of this mail. Optionally, the user may supply an existing ticket id to create a new answer instead of a new ticket.

Another option is to retrieve all created e-mails on server-side. The mails are fetched from the server and output to the console. For each fetched mail the command-line tool confirms the successful sending of the e-mail by calling another API to verify the sending. The tool cannot send genuine e-mails of course, but the sending of the mails is simulated. After each mail is verified to be sent correctly the server deletes these mails from cache and from file system.

Build and Execution #

The command-line tool can be built in the same way than the server by executing

go build ./cmd/command_line_tool

from the project’s root directory. A better option is to use the attached start scripts for UNIX and Windows systems. To use these, run

./ [options]

or startCLI.bat on Windows, respectively. Options can be appended to the call and they are delegated to the command-line tool. See the following section for a list of available options.

Usage #

The command-line tool can be run in the following way:

./command_line_tool [options]

If the command-line tool is started without options, the user is guided by an interactive menu. Otherwise he has to supply the required options by himself and there is no prompting for user input.

In the following the available options are listed.

Client options #

The following options can be used to configure the client’s connection settings.

-host <HOST> #

Use another host name or IP address for the server the client is connecting to.

Default: localhost

-port <PORT> #

Specify the port the server listens to. The PORT argument has to be a 16 bit unsigned integer (0 < PORT ≤ 65535) and has to match the server port.

Default: 8443

-cert <FILE> #

Use another SSL certificate for the connection to the server. The FILE argument has to be an existing file with a valid SSL certificate. Note that the path has to be relative to the current working directory.

Default: ./ssl/server.cert

Fetch options #

The fetch options configure the way e-mails are retrieved from the server.

-f (fetch) #

Fetch the server-side created e-mails from the server. If this option is set, there will be no interactive prompt, but only the messages are retrieved.

Default: false

Submit options #

The submit options are used to specify e-mail properties for a direct submission of an e-mail without user inputs.

-s (submit) #

Use this flag to directly submit a message to the server without prompting. The mail properties are set by the -email, -subject and -message flags and are required. If the -tID option is specified with a valid ticket id a new answer will be created instead of a new ticket.

Default: false

-email <EMAIL> #

Specify the sender’s e-mail address used for the creation of a new e-mail. The EMAIL argument has to be a valid e-mail address. Only applicable in conjunction to the -s flag.

Default: empty

-subject <SUBJECT> #

Specify the subject of the new created ticket or answer. The SUBJECT argument should not be empty. Only applicable in conjunction to the -s flag.

Default: empty

-message <MSG> #

Specify the message for the new created ticket or answer. The MSG argument should not be empty. Only applicable in conjunction to the -s flag.

Default: empty

-tID <ID> #

Specify the ticket id of an existing ticket to append the message as a new answer to this ticket. This flag is optional and if it is not set or if the ticket id is invalid, a new ticket will be created. Only applicable in conjunction to the -s flag.

Default: empty

Help options #

The help options provide information about the command-line tool and its provided flags.

-h, -help #

Print a help text with information about the flags and exit.

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3. See the License Page or for information about redistribution.

Trivial Tickets Ticketsystem
Copyright (C) 2019 The Contributors

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